桃瘾社区 has implemented a datawarehouse which contains Student, Finance, and the Analytics for Learn modules. Each module contains current and historical data from Banner and other University systems. Web-based reporting tools are available to surface data for analysis, reporting and dashboards.
Faculty and Staff
- Self-service reporting
- Dashboards
- Standardized reports and published documents
How To Get Access To This Service
Data warehouse access requires authorization and training as provided by Data Analytics and Reporting (ITS) and your department. Contact Data Analytics and Reporting directly by sending an email to enterprisereporting@pace.edu or submit a request to the ITS Help Desk, .
The University data warehouse is supported by Data Analytics and Reporting within ITS. If you have any questions, please email us at enterprisereporting@pace.edu.
Learn More
How do I get access to use a reporting tool?
To obtain access to use Pyramid Analytics, submit a request to the ITS Help Desk, .