As stated in the NYFC Constitution, the duties and membership of the admissions and retention committee consist of the following:
- The Committee on Admissions and Retention shall be composed of the following:
- 15 elected voting members of the NYFC;
- Members of the admissions and program infrastructures of the University as determined by the NYFC, as non-voting members.
- The duties of the Committee on Admissions and Retention are:
- To make recommendations to the NYFC on admissions and retention;
- To consult with the staff of the Department of Enrollment Management and Dean for Students concerning unusual conditions that may arise regarding admissions and retention;
- To act in an advisory capacity to the Admissions Office, especially to ensure that appropriate admissions standards are maintained;
- To oversee and advise on retention initiatives;
- To nominate NYFC representatives, chosen from the membership of this committee, to campus or university-wide admissions or retention advisory committees.
Allocated: 15 members and 2 alternates
Currently has: 15 members and 2 alternates
Committee co-chairs: Zafir Buraei and Leigh Anne Donovan
Committee members: (Fall 2021鈥揝pring 2023)
- Susan Berardini (Modern Languages)
- Eric Brenner (Biology)
- Zafir Buraei (Biology)
- Leigh Anne Donovan (Marketing)
- Deborah Fain (Marketing)
- Satish Kolluri (Communication Studies)
- Elmer-Rico E. Mojica (Chemistry)
- Kaustav Sen (Accounting)
- Namchul Shin (Information Technology)
- Ibraiz Tarique (Management)
- Andres Villagra (Modern Languages)
- Ying Wang (Modern Languages)
- Emily Welty (Peace & Justice Studies / WGS)
- Bob Wiener (Legal Studies)
- Michele Zaccario (Psychology)
1st Alternate: Andrew O. Coggins Jr. (Management)
2nd Alternate: Freddy Huang (Lubin)
Materials for April, 2008 meeting:
Materials for December, 2007 meeting: