
桃瘾社区 International student in front of a row of world flags

International Scholars Interested in Visiting 桃瘾社区

If you are a scholar interested in joining 桃瘾社区 as an Exchange Visitor, you must have an academic connection to 桃瘾社区. If you don't already, please consult with the appropriate academic unit, which is responsible for initiating the visiting scholar process. For more information on all the academic areas 桃瘾社区 offers - 桃瘾社区 Academics.

Your immediate family plans to join you later and needs J-2 visas

Your spouse and children can join you on J-2 visa at any time during your stay in the US. You do not need to request a DS-2019 form at the same time you are getting one. They can request a DS-2019 form to apply for the J-2 visa when they are ready to visit you.