
Three 桃瘾社区 students in a computer lab

To complete the program, students need to satisfy both of the following requirements:

Academic Requirement: 2.50 Cumulative GPA Average

Students need to maintain a 2.50 cumulative GPA average or above at the end of their first year of IAP. Students who receive a cumulative GPA average of 2.49 or below will remain in the program for an additional semester and should contact their school advisor to ensure their GPA does not put them at risk of academic probation or dismissal.

    • Percentages are converted into letter grades by instructors, which are then converted into quality points on a 4.0 scale. Progression calculations are determined using only the quality point system.
    • An 鈥淔鈥 in University 101 does not count towards progression calculations.
    • 鈥淧鈥 grades in any course are not factored into GPA calculations.
    • Incomplete (鈥淚鈥) grades are strongly discouraged and may delay your progression. If a student takes an 鈥淚鈥 grade at the end of term and does not resolve the grading issue quickly, the student will be suspended for the following semester.

Attendance Requirement: 80% Attendance and 6 Visits

Students need to (1) attend a minimum 80% of their weekly Peer Mentoring Workshops and (2) meet their six-visit quota for Writing Center tutoring and/or content tutoring by the end of each semester. Students who do not satisfy this attendance requirement may remain in the program for an additional semester. View the Academic Support page for more information,

    • Students who miss between 5 and 30 minutes of a session will be marked "late". Three "lates" equals one absence.
    • Students who miss more than 30 minutes of a session will be marked "absent".

Students who may require an extended absence due to extenuating circumstances (such as a personal, family, or medical emergency) must meet with their school advisor, submit a , and inform Martin Molden at mmolden@pace.edu. Students who complete IAP still have support available to them, though it will at that point no longer be mandatory.