
Jeanmaire Molina

Jeanmaire Molina

Associate Professor
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Biology NYC

Jeanmaire Molina



Personal Quote

"Every scrap of biological diversity is priceless, to be learned and cherished, and never to be surrendered without a struggle." -Edward O. Wilson

Faculty Bio

I am a plant evolutionary biologist fascinated by the most peculiar plants like the giant corpse flower and parasitic plant, Rafflesia, and everything about its enigmatic biology! I am also a college educator committed to increasing appreciation of these plants for their vital and inextricable, yet often overlooked roles in human lives.

Courses Taught

Past Courses

BIO 101: General Biology I
BIO 102: General Biology II
BIO 231: Genetics
BIO 296: Topic: Medicinal Botany
BIO 346: Intro to Basic Pharmacology
BIO 395: Independent Study in Biology
BIO 480: Research in Biology